
We are dedicated to inspiring Latinos to participate, lead, and empower themselves as leaders in their community.

Youth Ambassadors

Ariana Muñoz

“My name is Ariana and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Sioux City to parents that immigrated to the United States from Mexico. I will be a Junior at South Sioux City High School this Fall. I plan on attending a four year college and then law

Marta Delaluz-Enriquez

“My name is Marta. I was born 16 years ago in Sioux City to a mother that immigrated to the United States from Guatemala and a Father from Mexico. I will be a junior at South Sioux City High School this Fall. I will be pursuing a career in nursing and the medical field in general.”

Emily Huarcas

My name is Emily and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Sioux City to a Chicana mother and a Guatemalan Father. I will be a Junior this year at South Sioux City High School. I want to be a middle school music teacher and plan on starting my education at Northeast Community College.

Fatima Mosqueda Hernandez

“My name is Fatima and I am 18 years old. I was born in Sacramento to parents that immigrated to the United States from Mexico. I graduated from high school in May of 2024 from North High School. I am pursuing a career in social work and am currently enrolled in courses at Western Iowa Tech Community College.”

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Our Purpose
We are dedicated to inspiring Latinos to participate, lead, and empower themselves as leaders in their community.

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